Volunteer with Us

Without our volunteers we couldn't do the things we do. Our events, our programs, our social gatherings would all grind to a halt without the hearts and the hands, the skills and the brains, of our many volunteers. Our volunteers give us soul. When you visit, they're the ones that make you feel the failte!

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There is a basic need to help others in all of us, to give of ourselves in some way to make the world a better place. For many of you, the most precious resource you have is your time, so providing an environment that makes volunteering worthwhile for you is something we strive to achieve at our Center.

Some volunteers like to be leaders; they like to bring a project or program to life and keep it running. In other words, they like to own it. Others like to devote time on a regular basis, being directed to carry out valuable tasks as needed (as their schedule allows). For many of our activities we draw from a pool of volunteers, under the direction of a volunteer leader or a staff member.

A fine example of our weekly volunteer dynamic at work is our Saturday morning Computer Club, entirely run and maintained by volunteers. For any given Saturday, the program leader reviews his roster of volunteers and polls it for those who are available to come along. This builds a nice gathering of young and old with lots of fun and craic for all. And some of seniors are great for bringing along tasty sandwiches and biscuits!


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